BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Background values for trace elements in German soils

Country / Region: Germany

Begin of project: July 1, 1996

End of project: July 31, 2003

Status of project: July 31, 2003

Soil profileSoil profile Source: BGR

The implementation of the Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) and the associated ordinance (BBodSchV) requires the determination of background values for trace elements in soils as a basis for the adjustment of precaution values.

A concept to determine spatially representative background values for top-soils, sub-soils and bedrock was developed and applied during three research projects. The concept is based on a differentiation of background values according to soil parent material at first priority. In the top-soils the background values are distinguished in second order by the reference parameters land use and regional settlement structure. In the sub-soils from solid rocks they are further differentiated according to their loess content. For soils from unconsolidated deposits the effect of pedogenetic processes (enrichment, impoverishment) are considered. The determination of background values for bedrocks requires no further differentiation.

Site-specific soil data were brought together from different sources (soil data from federal institutions and institutions of the Federal States) taking into account minimum requirements and aspects of data harmonisation. Spatial information is given by a small-scale (1 : 1,000,000) digital map of soil parent materials (MPM 1000) and additional information on soil types.

Based on information of about 5000 soil profiles representative background values for top-soils, sub-soils and bedrocks could be determined for the dominating groups of soil parent material in Germany with a current spatial coverage of about 90 %.



Dr. Florian Stange
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3071

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