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International Conference on Geological Barrier Systems, Host Rock Characterization, and Site Selection relevant to Underground Repositories (ICG 2020 Hannover)

Logo ICG2020 Hannover

In February 27-28 2020, a scientific conference will be held at the BGR on the topic "International Conference on Geological Barrier Systems, Host Rock Characterization, and Site Selection relevant to Underground Repositories".

It will be organized by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and is kindly supported by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA).

The program provides 20 lectures by invited speakers from different countries, scientific and regulatory institutions, such as:

  • Russian Aсademy of Sciences (RAS), Russia

    • Institute for Geoecology (IGE)
    • Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry (IGEM)
    • Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE)
  • The Federal State Unitary Enterprise National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management (FSUE NO RAO), Russia
  • Radio-environmental Centre of National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
  • Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), USA
  • Idaho National Laboratory (INL), USA
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria
  • University of Wroclaw, Poland
  • Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH (GRS), Germany
  • Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE), Germany
  • BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Germany
  • Institute of Geomechanics GmbH (IfG), Germany
  • Technical University Clausthal, Germany
  • Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany

and includes the following sessions:

27 February, Thursday
Session 1: Host Rock Characterization for Geological Repositories
Session 2: Siting of Geological Repositories

28 February, Friday
Session 3: Geological Repository Options
Session 4: Geological and Geotechnical Barriers

Important Dates

Conference Date:February 27-28 2020
Registration opens:October 18 2019

Flyer "Save the Date: ICG 2020"

Final Program "ICG 2020"

Abstract-Volume "ICG 2020"

Important information for registration

The registration ist now closed.

Organizing Committee

Sandra Fahland (BGR)
Nicole Schubarth-Engelschall (BGR)
Michael Mertineit (BGR)
Lukas Pollok (BGR)
Tatjana Thiemeyer (BGR)
Jürgen Krone (BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH)

For more information, please contact:

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