LithoLex – "Lithostratigraphic Lexicon Germany"
The lithostratigraphic lexicon "LithoLex" is a dynamic database that comprises all defined lithostratigraphic units of Germany and makes them accessible to the public via a web interface. LithoLex is a joint-venture of the German Stratigraphic Commission (Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission - DSK) and the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR). The DSK and its subcommissions are providing the content, i.e. definitions and descriptions of the lithostratigraphic units, whereas the BGR is in charge of maintaining the database and providing these geoinformation to the public.
The first version of LithoLex went online on August 07th, 2006, starting with only 80 data sets from the Cretaceous and the Cenozoic. Today (March 2024) the database comprises 867 entries from the Proterozoic until the Quaternary. It is planned that the database will cover all 1,290 units currently considered in the “Stratigraphic Chart of Germany 2016” (Stratigraphische Tabelle von Deutschland 2016 - STD2016) at some point in the future.
Numbers of data sets in LithoLex since 2006 (as of March 2024)
Source: BGR
LithoLex was reprogrammed and fundamentally revised in spring/summer 2018, and has been re-launched on August 14th, 2018. The new version provides not only a fresh look of the application, but also a couple of new features such as the implementation of a semi-automated workflow for the stratigraphic subcommissions allowing them to edit old entries and to add new ones more easily.
The basis for the definition of lithostratigraphic units are the volumes of the "Stratigraphy of Germany" as well as the "Stratigraphic Charts of Germany" 2002 and 2016 ("Stratigraphische Tabellen von Deutschland" 2002 und 2016 - STDs) and the corresponding explanatory notes (ESTDs 2005, 2018, 2019, 2020). In principle, anyone who has been authorized by a DSK subcommission can propose new lithostratigrahic units or revise existing ones. Detailed information on these procedures (e.g., entry of data sets, approval of new/revised data sets) can be requested by an e mail to In addition, a detailed manual is available to the coordinators as well as to the secretaries and chairmen of the subcommissions.
Citing LithoLex data sets
The descriptions of LithoLex entries are citable as publications. An explanation can be found at the end of each LithoLex data set.