Geochemical data
Geochemical Data: GIS in connection with databases
Source: BGR
In the laboratories of the BGR more than 10,000 samples are analyzed each year. These samples represent a broadly diversified spectrum:
- The sample material comes from all parts of the geosphere: rocks, ores, water, soil, oil, natural gas, coal, atmospheric gases etc.
- Analytical methods include all common and many special fields of inorganic and organic geochemistry and mineralogy
- The samples originate from many parts of the world, onshore and offshore
- The samples have been taken for the purpose of most different projects and most different scientific questions
The analytical results are evaluated, interpreted and in the end reported or published by BGR specialists.
But also in the laboratory itself samples, sample accompanying data and analytical results are systematically stored, processed and, if qualified, made available for internal and external use.
In addition, various IT techniques are applied or even developed for the representation, evaluation and interpretation of geochemical data.