GSEU - A Geological Service for Europe: Raw Materials
Country / Region: Europe
Begin of project: September 1, 2022
End of project: August 31, 2027
Status of project: March 5, 2024
Greisen with quartz, zinnwaldite and other minerals
Source: BGR
Raw materials are an indispensable mineral resource for Europe and are at the beginning of every industrial value chain. The outstanding importance of a fair and reliable supply of raw materials has become apparent many times over in recent years. In consideration of the increasing dependence on imports of raw materials from non-European sources, which also affect the German economy in particular, the European Commission has made the exploration of domestic deposits one of its priorities and has emphasised this by commissioning the establishment of a Geological Service for Europe (GSEU).
The sub-ordinated targets within the framework of the GSEU include:
- to re-evaluate European resources of primary critical raw materials in on and offshore fields, to evaluate mining waste resources, with a focus on the critical raw materials needed for the green transition.
- to create and develop an International Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Resources Management (EU ICE-SRM) and
- to promote the use of the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) for resources and the United Nation Resource Management System (UNRMS) for mineral resources management in Europe.
With this project, the BGR supports the transnational, harmonised collection, monitoring and evaluation of available data sets using modern methods. The BGR is involved in the production of training material and the organisation of national and transnational workshops in particular.
Promotion / document number:
HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-14: Support to the activities of the European Geological Services