SCRREEN 2 (Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network 2)
Country / Region: Europe
Begin of project: November 1, 2020
End of project: October 31, 2023
Status of project: January 18, 2021
Loading of industrial garnet in Western Australia
Source: Quelle:Jebsen & Jessen-Gruppe
The Horizon2020 project SCRREEN 2 supports the work of the European Commission (EC) on critical raw materials (CRM). The project collects data and information on all CRM analysed by the EC’s CRM assessment and updates the “Raw Material Fact Sheets”, which are part of this assessment.
The project will also publish reports on CRM specific topics like raw material supply and demand, political framework conditions, technological developments and value chains.
BGR will participate in the following work packages:
- 3.1 “Global Market“: market analysis of CRM (market concentrations, supply security, trade flows)
- 7.1 „Future Supply“: analysis of the EU’s future raw material supply from domestic (European) resources as well as from global markets
Promotion / document number:
H2020-EU.3.5.3. (Grant Agreement ID: 958211)