CLUSTER - Impacts of impurities in CO2 streams captured from different emitters in a regional cluster on transport, injection and storage
Key questions: How pure do CO2 streams have to be for accessing larger CO2 pipeline networks and which aspects other than CO2 stream composition need to be considered to ensure safe transport, injection and storage operation with technically and economically acceptable efforts?
These are the key questions that the project CLUSTER aimed to answer.
More specifically, the project partners were investigating:
i) potential impacts of temporal variations in CO2 stream composition and mass flux that occur in larger pipeline networks on transport, injection and geological storage of CO2;
ii) flexibility of individual steps and the whole CCS process chain in response to this temporal variability.
Overall, we established recommendations how to define "minimum composition thresholds" that CO2 streams must meet according to EU Directive 2009/31/EC when accessing a shared transport and storage infrastructure.
Project start: 01.07.2015
Project end: 31.12.2018 (project extended by six months)
Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (COORETEC Initiative)
Budget: 3.92 Mio. €
Project work was organised in seven work packages. Information about objectives of and activities in each work package can be found on the respective thematic pages.
Organisation of the project CLUSTER: Flow of information between individual work packages (WPs) and involvement of project partners in the WPs (in bold: WP lead, bold arrows: main flow of information; dashed arrows: feedback loop after interim syntheses). The WP "Coordination & Cooperation" (not shown) supports scientific work. (For partner acronyms, please, see "Partners").
Source: BGR