BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Logo of the collaborative project COORAL

Press releases


(as of July 2016)

  • BETTGE, D., BÄSSLER, R., YEVTUSHENKO, O. & KRANZMANN, A. (2014): MINIRISK – Risikominimierung korrosionsbedingter Schäden bei CO2-Abscheidung, Transport und Speicherung – Final report of project COORAL. – 60 pp., Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung; Berlin.
  • EGGERS, R. & JESCHKE, S. (2013): Grundlagenuntersuchungen und Modellierung der Systemdaten von aufgereinigten CO2-reichen Abgasen aus Kraftwerken mit CCS-Technologien - Final report of project COORAL. – 100 pp., TU Hamburg-Harburg; Hamburg.
  • ERICKSON, K., LEMPP, C. & PÖLLMANN, H. (2015): Geochemical and geomechanical effects of scCO2 and associated impurities on physical and petrophysical properties of Permotriassic Sandstones (Germany): an experimental approach. - Environmental Earth Science, 74:4719-4743.
  • GOLDSCHMIDT, D., MATSCHKE, A., KLENK, A., PARDEMANN, R., KOWNATZKI, S. & KEMPKES, V. (2010): Neue Kraftwerke mit fossilen Brennstoffen – Energieeffizient und umweltschonend. - BINE Themeninfo II/2010.
  • HEESCHEN, K., RISSE, A., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & STADLER, S. (2011): Importance of co-captured gases in the underground storage of CO2: Quantification of mineral alterations in chemical experiments. – Energy Procedia, 4: 4480-4486.
  • HOLLÄNDER, N. (2010): Untersuchung des Korrosionsverhaltens von metallischen Werkstoffen in Kohlendioxidatmosphären mit definierten Wassergehalten. – 93 pp., Diploma Thesis, Technische Hochschule Wildau.
  • JESCHKE S. & EGGERS R. (2013): Experimentelle Ermittlung von Permeabilitäten für die Durchströmung von salinen Aquiferen mit CO2. – Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 85: 1605-1611.
  • JESCHKE, S. (2014): CCS-Technologie vom Kraftwerk bis in den Speicher: Grundlagenuntersuchung und Bewertung. – 265 pp., Dissertation, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg; ISBN: 978-3-8439-1503-8.
  • KATHER, A. & KOWNATZKI, S. (2011): Assessment of the different parameters affecting the CO2 purity from coal fired oxyfuel process. – International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 5 (S1): S204-S209.
  • KATHER, A., PASCHKE, B & KOWNATZKI, S. (2013): Prozessgasdefinition, Transportnetz und Korrosion - Final report of project COORAL. – 137 pp., TU Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg.
  • KRANZMANN, A., NEDDEMEYER, T., RUHL, A.S., HÜNERT, D., BETTGE, D., ODER, G. & SALIWAN NEUMANN, R. (2011): The challenge in understanding the corrosion mechanisms under oxyfuel combustion conditions. – International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 5: 168-178.
  • LEMPP, C. (2013): Experimentelle geomechanische und geochemische Kombinationsuntersuchungen – Final report of project COORAL. – 121 pp.; Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg; Halle.
  • LEMPP, C. (2013): Wechselwirkungen zwischen scCO2 und möglichen Speichersandsteinen im Laborexperiment. – Swiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie, 18: 29-32; SASEG/SFIG, Basel.
  • LUBENAU, U., SCHMITZ, S., ROCKMANN, R., SCHÜTZ, S. & KÄTHNER, R. (2013): Reinheitsanforderungen an CO2-Gemische nach der Abscheidung am Kraftwerk auf Basis thermodynamischer und technischer Untersuchung – Final report of project COORAL. – 121 pp., DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Leipzig.
  • MARBLER, H., ERICKSON, K.P., SCHMIDT, M., LEMPP, CH. & PÖLLMANN, H.(2013): Geomechanical and geochemical effects on sandstones caused by the reaction with supercritical CO2: an experimental approach to in situ conditions in deep geological reservoirs. – Environmental Earth Sciences, 69: 1981-1998.
  • OSTERTAG-HENNING, C., RISSE, A., THOMAS, B., ROSENBAUER, R., ROCHELLE, C., PURSER, G., KILPATRICK, A., ROSENQVIST, J., YARDLEY, B., KARAMALIDIS, A., GRIFFITH, C., HEDGES, S., DILMORE, R., GOODMAN, A., BLACK, J., HAESE, R., DEUSNER, C., BIGALKE, N., HAECKEL, M., FISCHER, S., LIEBSCHER, A., ICENHOWER, J.P., DAVAL, D., SALDI, G.D., KNAUSS, K.G., SCHMIDT, M., MITO, S., SORAI, M. & TRUCHE, L. (2014): GaMin’11 – an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2-saline fluid-mineral interaction experiments. – Energy Procedia, 63: 5538-5543.
  • PASCHKE, B. & KATHER, A. (2012): Corrosion of pipeline materials due to impurities in separated CO2 from fossil fuelled power plants. – Energy Procedia, 23: 207-215.
  • PASCHKE, B. (2013): Korrosiver Einfluss von Begleitstoffen im abgetrennten CO2 aus Kraftwerksprozessen auf Pipeline- und Verdichterwerkstoffe. – 140 pp., Dissertation, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg; ISBN 978-3-9540-4411-5.
  • PFENNIG, A., LINKE, B. & KRANZMANN, A. (2011): Corrosion behaviour of pipe steels exposed for 2 years to CO2-saturated saline aquifer environment similar to the CCS-site Ketzin, Germany. – Energy Procedia, 4: 5122-5129.
  • PFENNIG, A., SCHULZ, A. & KRANZMANN, A. (2013): Influence of pressure, CO2 and chromium-content of injection pipe steels on the reliability of a saline aquifer water CCS-site in the Northern German Basin. – Energy Procedia, 37: 5754-5763.
  • PFENNIG, A., WOLF, M., WIEGAND, R., KRANZMANN, A. & BORK, C-P. (2013): Corrosion fatigue behavior and S-N-curve of X46Cr13 exposed to CCS-environment obtained from laboratory in situ-experiments. – Energy Procedia, 37: 5764-5772.
  • PFENNIG, A., ZASTROW, P. & KRANZMANN, A. (2013): Influence of heat treatment on the corrosion behaviour of stainless steels during CO2-sequestration into saline aquifer. – International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 15: 213–224.
  • RINNEN, S., GRÖGER-TRAMPE, J., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & ARLINGHAUS, H. (2014): ToF-SIMS as a tool for mapping reaction products of coupled dissolution–precipitation processes at mineral grain surfaces. – Surface and Interface Analysis, 46: 330-333.
  • RUHL, A.S. & KRANZMANN, A. (2012): Corrosion in supercritical CO2 by diffusion of flue gas acids and water. – The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 68: 81-86.
  • RUHL, S. & KRANZMANN, A. (2012): Corrosion behavior of various steels in a continuous flow of carbon dioxide containing impurities. – International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 9: 85-90.
  • RUHL, A.S., GOEBEL, A. & KRANZMANN, A. (2012): Corrosion behavior of various steels for compression, transport and injection for carbon capture and storage. – Energy Procedia, 23: 216-225.
  • RUHL, A.S. & KRANZMANN, A. (2013): Investigation of corrosive effects of sulphur dioxide, oxygen and water vapour on pipeline steels. – International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 13: 9-16.
  • RUHL, A.S. & KRANZMANN, A. (2013): Investigation of pipeline corrosion in pressurized CO2 containing impurities. – Energy Procedia, 37: 3131-3136.
  • RUHL, A.S., GOEBEL, A., KÜHN, H.J. & KRANZMANN, A. (2013): Materials testing under mechanical stress, pressure and turbulent flow of impure supercritical CO2. – Materials Testing, 55: 158-162.
  • RÜTTERS, H. (2011) Anforderungen an die Reinheit des Kohlendioxids bei der Abscheidung und geologischen Speicherung. – GDCh-Wochenschau 27/2011;
  • RÜTTERS, H. (2012) Eine Frage der Reinheit Abscheidung und geologische Speicherung von CO2. – HighChem Hautnah - Aktuelles aus der Bauchemie, VII: 26-27.
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & DAS COORAL-TEAM (2015): CO2-Reinheit für die Abscheidung und Lagerung (COORAL) – Synthesis Report. – 88 pp.; Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe; Hannover.
  • RÜTTERS, H., STADLER, S., BÄßLER, R., BETTGE, D., JESCHKE, S., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C., SCHMITZ, S., SCHÜTZ, S., WALDMANN, S. & the COORAL TEAM (2016):Towards an optimization of the CO2 stream composition—A whole-chain approach. - International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 54: 682-701.
  • WALDMANN,S. & RÜTTERS, H. (2016): Geochemical effects of SO2 during CO2 storage in deep saline reservoirsandstones of Permian age (Rotliegend) – A modeling approach. - International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 46: 116-135.
  • WALDMANN, S., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C., GRÖGER-TRAMPE, J. & NOWAK, T. (2013): Geochemical modeling of mineral alteration due to the presence of sulfur dioxide in the geological storage of CO2. – Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 7: 880-883.
  • WALDMANN, S., STADLER, S., NOWAK, T., GRÖGER-TRAMPE, J., HEESCHEN, K., RISSE, A., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & RÜTTERS, H. (2014): Geochemische Reaktionen von CO2-Gasgemischen mit Speichergesteinen und Deckschichten – Final report of project COORAL. – 292 pp., Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe; Hannover.
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O. & BÄßLER, R. (2011): Corrosion stability of steels for CCS technology. – COORODIA – NACE online publication, Spring 2011; corrodia/Spring_2011/industrial-scientific.asp.
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O. & BÄßLER, R. & PFENNIG, A. (2012): Corrosion behaviour of Cr13 steel in CO2 saturated brine with high chloride concentration. – Materials and Corrosion, 63: 517-521.
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O. & BÄßLER, R. (2012): Electrochemical studies on pitting corrosion on Cr13 steel exposed to CO2 and artificial brine with high chloride concentration. – In: Böllinghaus, T., Lexow, J., Kishi, T., Kitagawa, M. (Eds.): Materials challenges and testing for supply of energy and resources, 296 S., Springer-Verlag; Berlin: 45-53.
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O., BETTGE, D., BOHRAUS, S., BÄßLER, R., PFENNIG, A. & KRANZMANN, A. (2014): Corrosion behavior of steels for CO2 injection. – Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 92: 108-118.
  • ZIMMER, S. (2013): Strömungsmechanische Charakterisierung eines Hochdruckkreislaufs zur CO2-Korrosion. – Bachelor Thesis, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin.


(as of September 2014)

  • BÄßLER, R., YEVTUSHENKO, O. & CARRILLO SALGADO, I. (2012): Corrosion behavior of highly alloyed steels in artificial saline aquifer fluids carbon dioxide containing. – XI. International Conference “Corrosion-2012”, Lviv. (Oral)
  • BETTGE, D., RUHL, A.S., BÄßLER, R., YEVTUSHENKO, O. & KRANZMANN, A. (2011): Corrosion aspects of materials selection for CO2 transport and storage. – International Conference on Process Engineering: Efficient Carbon Capture for Coal Power Plants (ICEPE); Frankfurt/M. (Oral)
  • BOHRAUS, S., BETTGE, D. & KRANZMANN, A. (2013): Corrosion behaviour of a pipeline steel under CCS transport conditions. – European Corrosion Congress (Eurocorr) 2013; Estoril. (Oral)
  • BOHRAUS, S., BETTGE, D. & KRANZMANN, A. (2013): Corrosion testing of pipeline steel in supercritical CO2 containing SO2, NO2, O2 and water. – 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy; Karlsruhe. (Poster & Oral)
  • DE LUCIA, M., STADLER, S., RATEITZAK, M. & KÜHN, M. (2011): Evaluating uncertainties in geochemical modelling for CO2 storage: multivariate sensitivity analysis of database entries. – Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13: 12020 – EGU General Assembly; Wien. (Oral)
  • ERICKSON, K., LEMPP, CH., MARBLER, H., PÖLLMANN, H. & SCHMIDT, M. (2010): Fluid-rock interaction with impure CO2: combined geochemical and geomechanical investigations - first results of COORAL project. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG) 68: 163. – GeoDarmstadt 2010, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. (Poster)
  • HEESCHEN, K., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C., RISSE, A., STADLER, S. & RÜTTERS, H. (2009): Determining the effects of trace gas components in carbon capture and storage – The project COORAL. – ESF Research Conference „CO2 Geological Storage: Latest Progress”; Obergurgl. (Poster)
  • HEESCHEN, K., RISSE, A., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & RÜTTERS, H. (2010): Experimental quantification of mineral alterations caused by co-injected gases in the geological storage of CO2. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG) 68: 228-229. – GeoDarmstadt 2010. (Poster)
  • HEESCHEN, K., RISSE, A., STADLER, S. & OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. (2011): Mineral alterations due to accessory gases in the geological storage of CO2. – Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (3): 1000 – Goldschmidt Conference, Prag. (Oral)
    HEESCHEN, K., RISSE, A., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & STADLER, S. (2011): Importance of co-captured gases in the underground storage of CO2: Quantification of mineral alterations in chemical experiments. – 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas and Technologies (GHGT-10); Amsterdam. (Poster)
  • HEESCHEN, K., RISSE, A., STADLER, S., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & RÜTTERS, H. (2011): Mineral alterations caused by oxidising accessory gases in the geological storage of CO2. – GeoMunich „Fragile Earth”; München. (Poster)
  • JESCHKE, S. & EGGERS, R. (2011): Ermittlung der Systemdaten (Dichte, Viskosität) für relevante Gasmischungen der CCS-Technologie. – 43. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium; Dresden. (Poster)
    JESCHKE, S., KÜSTER, T. & EGGERS, R. (2012): Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik bei der Aufreinigung, dem Transport und der Speicherung von CO2 im Rahmen der CCS-Technologie. – Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, 01.-02. März 2012; Hamburg-Harburg. (Oral)
  • KOWNATZKI, S., GÜNTHER, C. & KATHER, A. (2011): CO2 purity in coal fired oxyfuel processes. – 2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference; Yeppoon/ Australien. (Oral)
  • LEMPP, CH., PÖLLMANN, H. & MARBLER, H. (2012): Unterschiedliche Wechselwirkungen beim Kontakt zwischen CO2-Fluiden: Vergleich zwischen Modellierung und Laborexperiment am Beispiel eines Rotliegend-Sandsteins. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), 80: 187 – GeoHannover 2012. (Poster)
  • MARBLER, H., ERICKSON, K., LEMPP, CH., SCHMIDT, M. & PÖLLMANN, H. (2009): The behaviour of CO2 and CO2 mixtures during the storage in deep geological formations. – Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, 154 – 87. DMG-Jahrestagung; Halle. (Oral)
  • MARBLER, H., LEMPP, CH., PÖLLMANN, H., ERICKSON, K. & SCHMIDT, M. (2010): Fluid-rock interaction with impure CO2 by combining geochemical and geomechanical investigations: first results from the COORAL project. – Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, 6. – IMA General Meeting, Budapest. (Oral)
  • MARBLER, H., SCHMIDT, M., ERICKSON, K., LEMPP, CH. & PÖLLMANN, H.(2010): Experimental approach to study geomechanical and geochemical rock behaviour during the storage of impure CO2: first results of COORAL project. – 88. DMG-Jahrestagung; Münster. (Poster)
  • MARBLER, H., LEMPP, CH., ERICKSON, K., SCHMIDT, M. & PÖLLMANN, H. (2011): Geomechanisches Verhalten von Speichergesteinen während der CO2-Injektion in tiefe geologische Speicherformationen: Ergebnisse des Projektes COORAL. – 18. Tagung für Ingenieurgeologie und Forum für junge Ingenieurgeologen; Berlin. (Poster)
  • MARBLER, H., SCHMIDT, M., ERICKSON, K., LEMPP, CH. & PÖLLMANN, H.(2011): Geochemical and geomechanical effects on sandstones during the exposure to impure CO2: an experimental approach. – Joint Meeting DGK, DMG und ÖMG; Salzburg. (Oral)
  • MARBLER, H., LEMPP, CH., ERICKSON, K.P., SCHMIDT, M. & PÖLLMANN, H. (2011): Geochemical and geomechanical behaviour of reservoir rocks during the injection of CO2 in deep geological formations: results of the project COORAL. – Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13: 5857 – EGU General Assembly; Wien. (Poster)
  • MARBLER, H. , ERICKSON, K., SCHMIDT, M., LEMPP, CH. & PÖLLMANN, H.(2012): The effects of impure CO2 on reservoir sandstones: results from mineralogical and geomechanical experiments. – Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14: 7481. – EGU General Assembly; Wien. (Poster)
  • MARBLER, H., SCHMIDT, M., ERICKSON, K.P., LEMPP, C. & PÖLLMANN, H. (2012): Geochemical, mineralogical and geomechanical effects of impure CO2 on reservoir sandstones during the injection and geological storage: an experimental approach. – Mineralogical Magazine, 76 (6): 2065 – Goldschmidt Conference; Montreal. (Poster)
  • MAY, F. (2009): Effects of impurities on CO2 reservoirs. – IEA GHG Oxyfuel Network Workshop, Cottbus. (Oral)
  • OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. (2010): GaMin´10: Round robin for geochemical gas-saline fluid-mineral interaction experiments. – CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2010; Venedig. (Poster)
  • OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. (2012): Round robin „GaMin’11”: An international interlab comparison of geochemical batch experiments to study CO2-fluid-rock interactions. – CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2012; Venedig. (Oral)
  • OSTERTAG-HENNING, C., GRÖGER-TRAMPE, J., WALDMANN, S. & RÜTTERS, H. (2014): COORAL – CO2 purity for capture and storage – the geochemical perspective. – „Geotechnologien-Statusseminar: Geologische Speicherung von CO2“; Leipzig. (Oral)
  • OSTERTAG-HENNING, C., RISSE, A., THOMAS, B., ROSENBAUER, R., ROCHELLE, C., PURSER, G., KILPATRICK, A., ROSENQVIST, J., YARDLEY, B., KARAMALIDIS, A., GRIFFITH, C., HEDGES, S., DILMORE, R., GOODMAN, A., BLACK, J., HAESE, R., DEUSNER, C., BIGALKE, N., HAECKEL, M., FISCHER, S., LIEBSCHER, A., ICENHOWER, J.P., DAVAL, D., SALDI, G.D., KNAUSS, K.G., SCHMIDT, M., MITO, S., SORAI, M. & TRUCHE, L. (2014): GaMin’11 – an international interlab comparison for geochemical CO2-saline fluid-mineral interaction experiments. – 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas and Technologies (GHGT-12); Austin. (Oral)
  • PASCHKE, B., KOWNATZKI, S. & KATHER, A. (2011): Zu erwartende Begleitstoffkonzentrationen im abgeschiedenen CO2-Strom eines Oxyfuel Prozesses und deren korrosive Auswirkungen auf Pipeline- und Verdichterwerkstoffe. – 43. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium; Dresden. (Oral)
  • PFENNIG, A., BÄßLER, R., BETTGE, D. & KRANZMANN, A. (2009): Reliability of steels during injecting of CO2 in saline aquifer. – 1st International Oxyfuel Combustion Conference, Cottbus. (Oral)
  • RINNEN, S., STROTH, C., RISSE, A., HEESCHEN, K., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & ARLINGHAUS, H.F. (2010): Using ToF-SIMS isotope mapping to constrain dissolution/reprecipitation and redox reactions in experimental CO2 sequestration studies. – Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (11): Supplement 872 – Goldschmidt Conference; Knoxville. (Poster)
  • RINNEN, S., STROTH, C., RISSE, A., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & ARLINGHAUS, H. (2011): Characterization and identification of minerals in rocks by ToF-SIMS and principal component analysis. – Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (3): 1728 – Goldschmidt Conference; Prag. (Poster)
  • RINNEN, S., STROTH, C. RISSE, A., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & ARLINGHAUS, H. (2013): Using TOF-SIMS isotope mapping for studying dissolution and precipitation processes at mineral grains in an experimental CO2-sequestration setup. – Mineralogical Magazine, 77 (5): 2065 – Goldschmidt Conference; Florenz. (Oral)
  • RISSE, A., HEESCHEN, K. & OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. (2010): The influence of trace gases in the CO2 stream on the sequestration in deep saline aquifers - an experimental and modeling approach. – 88. DMG-Jahrestagung; Münster. (Poster)
  • RISSE, A. HEESCHEN, K., STADLER, S. & OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. (2011): Alteration of carbonates in saline aquifers due to CO2 and accessory gases at geological storage conditions. – Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (3): 1730 – Goldschmidt Conference; Prag. (Poster)
  • RUHL, A.S., GOEBEL, A., BETTGE, D. & KRANZMANN, A. (2011): Corrosion behaviour of various steels for compression, transportation and injection. – 6th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-6); Trondheim. (Poster)
  • RUHL, A.S., GOEBEL, A., BETTGE, D. & KRANZMANN, A. (2011): Corrosion effects on steels for carbon capture and storage (CCS) applications. – European Corrosion Congress (Eurocorr) 2011; Stockholm. (Poster)
  • RUHL, A.S., SALIWAN-NEUMANN, R. & KRANZMANN, A. (2011): Comparative identification of corrosion products under CCS conditions by simulated acid droplet corrosion. – IEA 2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference, Yeppoon/Australien. (Poster)
  • RUHL, A.S., SALIWAN-NEUMANN, R. & KRANZMANN, A. (2011): Microscopic 3-D visualization of corrosion effects formed under carbon capture and storage (CCS) conditions. – European Corrosion Congress (Eurocorr) 2011, Stockholm. (Oral)
  • RUHL, A.S., BETTGE, D., BOHRAUS, S. & KRANZMANN, A. (2012): Corrosion effects in supercritical CO2 containing impurities. – 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas and Technologies (GHGT-11); Kyoto. (Poster)
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & THE COORAL TEAM (2009): CO2 purity for capture and storage: COORAL. – „Geotechnologien-Statusseminar: Geologische Speicherung von CO2“; Aachen. (Poster)
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & THE COORAL TEAM (2010): CO2 purity for capture and storage: the project COORAL. – CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2010; Venedig. (Poster)
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & THE COORAL TEAM (2010): COORAL - CO2 purity for capture and storage. – „Geotechnologien-Statusseminar: Geologische Speicherung von CO2“; Jena. (Oral)
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & THE COORAL TEAM (2011): COORAL - CO2 purity for capture and storage. – „Geotechnologien-Statusseminar: Geologische Speicherung von CO2“; Potsdam. (Oral)
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & THE COORAL TEAM (2012): COORAL – CO2 purity for capture and storage. – „Geotechnologien-Statusseminar: Geologische Speicherung von CO2“; Hannover. (Oral)
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & THE COORAL TEAM (2013): A matter of purity – requirements for the CO2 stream purity along the entire CCS chain. – „Geotechnologien-Statusseminar: Geologische Speicherung von CO2“; Potsdam. (Oral)
  • RÜTTERS, H., BETTGE, D., EGGERS, R., KATHER, A., LEMPP, C., LUBENAU, U. & THE COORAL TEAM (2013): A matter of purity – requirements for the CO2 stream purity along the entire CCS chain. – 7th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-7); Trondheim. (Oral)
  • SCHMIDT, M., PÖLLMANN, H., MARBLER, H., ERICKSON, K. & LEMPP, CH. (2010): Construction of an autoclave system for the study of geochemical/mineralogical rock behaviour under reservoir conditions during the sequestration of CO2: first results of the COORAL project. – 88. DMG-Jahrestagung; Münster. (Poster)
  • SCHMIDT, M., PÖLLMANN, H., MARBLER, H., ERICKSON, K. & LEMPP, CH. (2011): A new autoclave system for the „in situ“-investigation of carbonation reactions of basic rocks with waste CO2. – IODP/ICDP Workshop "Geologic Capture and Storage in mafic and ultramafic rocks". 11./12./1.2011; Muscat/Oman. (Oral)
  • SCHMIDT, M., MARBLER, H., ERICKSON, K. & LEMPP, CH. & PÖLLMANN, H. (2011): Use of an autoclave system for the study of geochemical/mineralogical rock behaviour under reservoir conditions during the geological storage of CO2: results of the COORAL project. – Joint Meeting DGK, DMG und ÖMG; Salzburg. (Poster)
  • SCHMIDT, M., MARBLER, H., ERICKSON, K., LEMPP, CH. & PÖLLMANN, H. (2012): Geochemical and geomechanical effects on reservoir sandstones caused by the reaction of impure CO2: an experimental approach to in-situ conditions in deep geological reservoirs. – European Mineralogical Conference; Frankfurt. (Oral)
  • SIMON, S., BETTGE, D., BOHRAUS, S. & KRANZMANN, A. (2010): COORAL − First results of screening corrosion tests under simulated CCS conditions. – 1st International Conference on Materials for Energy; Karlsruhe. (Oral)
  • STADLER, S., NOWAK, T. & RATEITZAK, M. (2010): Evaluation of trace gas impurities in underground CO2 storage: geochemical modeling of laboratory experiments to investigate reaction kinetics. – 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas and Technologies; Amsterdam. (Poster)
  • STADLER, S., NOWAK, T., HEESCHEN, K., RISSE, A. & OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. (2010): Effects of trace gas components in carbon capture and storage: geochemical experiments and simulation of laboratory-scale brine-rock-CO2-trace gas interaction. – Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12: 1864 – EGU General Assembly; Wien. (Poster)
  • STADLER, S., RATEIZAK, M., DE LUCIA, M., HEESCHEN, K. & RÜTTERS, H. (2010): Challenges in geochemical modelling for CO2 storage – thermodynamic and kinetic databases for in-situ conditions. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), 68: 526. – GeoDarmstadt 2010. (Poster)
  • STADLER, S., RISSE, A., HEESCHEN, K., RÜTTERS, H. & OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. (2011): Systematic evaluation of experimental parameters and identification of data gaps for geochemical modeling in the context of geological CO2 storage. – Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13: 12270 – EGU General Assembly; Wien. (Poster)
  • STADLER, S., NOWAK, T., DELUCIA, M. & RÜTTERS, H. (2012): Geochemical modeling in the context of CO2 sequestration – uncertainties and state-of-play of the description of water-rock interaction. – 5th Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium; Nanjing. (Poster)
  • STADLER, S. & WALDMANN, S. (2013) Modelling the chemical impacts of SO2 and O2 in impure CO2 streams on minerals in Rotliegend sandstones. – 7th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-7); Trondheim. (Poster)
  • STROTH, C., RINNEN, S., RISSE, A., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & ARLINGHAUS, H. (2011): Characterization and Identification of Minerals in Rocks by ToF-SIMS and Principal Component Analysis. – International SIMS Conference 2011; Trento. (Poster).
  • WALDMANN, S., NOWAK, T, STADLER, S. & RÜTTERS, H. (2013): SO2 related mineral reactions in Buntsandstein sandstones during CO2 storage - a geochemical modeling approach. – IEAGHG Combined Modelling and Risk Management Network Meeting; Trondheim. (Oral)
  • WALDMANN, S., GRÖGER-TRAMPE, J., OSTERTAG-HENNING, C. & NOWAK, T. (2013): Geochemical modeling of mineral alterations due to the presence of sulfur dioxide in the geological storage of CO2. – Water-Rock Interaction 14; Avignon. (Oral)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O. & BÄßLER, R. (2010): Corrosion studies on piping steels exposed to CO2 and artificial brines. – European Corrosion Congress (Eurocorr) 2010; Moskau. (Poster)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O. & BÄßLER, R. (2010): Electrochemical studies on pitting corrosion on Cr13 steel exposed to CO2 and artificial brine with high chloride concentration. – 2nd WMRIF Workshop for Young Material Scientists; Berlin. (Oral)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O., BÄßLER, R. & CARRILLO SALGADO, I. (2011): Corrosion behavior of highly alloyed steels during carbon dioxide injection in deep geological aquifer fluids. – European Corrosion Congress (Eurocorr) 2011, Stockholm. (Oral)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O., CARRILLO SALGADO, I., BOHLMANN, T., BÄßLER, R. (2011): Corrosion resistance of injection piping steels exposed to CO2 and saline brine for CCS technology. – NACE Corrosion 2011; Houston. (Oral)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O., CARRILLO SALGADO, I. & BÄßLER, R. (2012): Corrosion of pipeline steels due to the condensation effects caused by SO2 and NO2 impurities in CO2. – European Corrosion Congress (Eurocorr) 2012; Istanbul. (Oral)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O., BÄßLER, R. & CARRILLO SALGADO, I. (2013): Corrosion resistance of piping steels in circulating supercritical impure CO2 environment due to moisture, SO2 and NO2 impurities. – European Corrosion Congress (Eurocorr) 2013; Portugal. (Vortrag)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O., BÄßLER, R. & CARRILLO SALGADO, I. (2013): Material challenge for carbon capture and storage. – crevice corrosion susceptibility of super austenitic stainless steel UNS NO8031 (Alloy 31) and duplex stainless steel S32101 in CO2 saturated saline brine. – NACE Corrosion 2013; Orlando. (Vortrag)
  • YEVTUSHENKO, O., BÄßLER, R. & CARRILLO SALGADO, I. (2013): Corrosion stability of piping steels in a circulating supercritical impure CO2 environment. – NACE Corrosion 2013; Orlando. (Vortrag).

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