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Milestones Well Hannover GB Gt1

Report of the project:

TimeMilestones Well Hannover
Dec. 2017Logging (Cement bond log, multifinger caliper)
Dec. 2012 - Nov. 2016Shut in well
Nov.-Dec. 2012Usage of Cappilary Coil (CC) (1/2“ endless steel pipe) and flushing of the salt plug with fresh water (CC unit, spay valve)
Nobember 2011Production test, production of ~500 m³ water and closure of the drill hole due to a chemical precipitated salt plug (chemical precipitated salt)
July and Oct. 2011Low-rate injection tests (~ 90 m³ freshwater each)
May 2011Creating an induced hydraulic fracture in the middle Buntsandstein.
January 2011Built-in protection (7 "liner extension)
June 2010Perforation of piping in the target horizon and injection test (perforation cannula, mini-injection injection)
06th December 2009 Cementation of the liner-hanger. Final depth : 3901 m
24th June 2009Start of drilling (drilling rig ready for operation, tool installation, drilling system at night, installation 9 5/8 "piping, cementation)
2nd June 2009Start Construction of drilling rig
5th Nov. 2008Establishment of a seismic monitoring network around the drill point GeneSys GT1
10th June 2008The standpipe for the borehole GeneSys GT1 is set (drilling standpipe)
March 2007Tendering of the drilling work (Projekt team 2007)
May 2006Seismic profile in Hannover (seismic truck, seismic truck)
January 2006Approval of the overall operation plan
February 2005Positive external review of the achieved results in Horstberg – Starting point for “Hannover” (aerial photograph)


Dr. Torsten Tischner
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2475
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-2304

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