BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

The General Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,000 (GÜK250)

The General Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:250,000 (GÜK250) is a seamless “Inselkarte” and the digital follower of the General Geological Map of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000 (GÜK200). Like its predecessor, the GÜK250 represents the surface geology of Germany and contains harmonised and updated information on age, composition and genesis of the rocks. According to this content, the GÜK250 offers three nationwide legends for the portrayal of the geologic units: a) chronostratigraphy, b) petrography and c) petrogenesis. Furthermore, the new GÜK250 includes information on the lithostratigraphy, the genetic process as well as information on the physical and chemical environment of the rock formation. Additionally, the GÜK250 provides - if available - information on the thickness of the geologic units and contains layers which represent tectonic elements, marginal position of the ice shield and quartz veins. In general, the term “surface geology” refers to geologic formations up to a depth of two meters. However, particularly in the south of Germany, considerable deviations of this concept exist and thicknesses of a couple of hundred meters may be displayed. The GÜK250 contains a base layer and an overlay layer which usually comprises thin Quaternary deposits.

Portrayal example GÜK250: StratigraphyPortrayal example GÜK250: Stratigraphy

a) Legend for chronostratigraphy
The displayed legend terms and codes correspond to the chronostratigraphic units which are listed on the website of Geologische Kartieranleitung (AG Geologie) and based on the INSPIRE guidelines (Data specification on Geology, D2.8.II.4_3.0). These chronostratigraphic units originate from the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (ICC, v2018/08) and are supplemented by Quaternary climatostratigraphic terms. The color scheme corresponds to the INSPIRE guidelines. In case of different chronostratigraphic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Jurassic - Cretaceous, the portrayal is defined by the color of the chronostratigraphic minimum age. Detailed information on the stratigraphy is available via the GetFeature function.

LINK to stratigraphy table of AG Geologie (in German)

b) Legend for petrography
The displayed legend terms and codes correspond to the petrographic notions of Geologische Kartieranleitung (AG Geologie). Only generic terms of the main components are displayed, e.g. Klastische Lockergesteine, Sulfatgestein or Ganggestein. For better readability of the legend, parentheses are omitted: e.g. Pelitisches Festgestein instead of Pelitisches Festgestein (außer Karbonatgestein). On the one hand, the colour scheme is based on the INSPIRE guidelines (Data specification on Geology, D2.8.II.4_3.0). On the other hand, in cases where the INSPIRE portrayal rules are not sufficient BGR colours are used. For the portrayal of different petrographic main components the corresponding colours are superimposed in a dot pattern. Detailled information on petrography is available via the GetFeature function.

LINK to petrography table of AG Geologie (in German)

Portrayal example GÜK250: PetrographyPortrayal example GÜK250: Petrography

Portrayal example GÜK250: PetrogenesisPortrayal example GÜK250: Petrogenesis

c) Legend for petrogenesis
The displayed legend terms and codes correspond largely to the petrogenetic notions for unconsolidated sediments of Geologische Kartieranleitung (AG Geologie). Only generic terms for the main components are displayed, e.g. Meeresablagerungen, Gletscherablagerungen or Umlagerungsbildungen. On the one hand, petrogenetic terms are transferred on consolidated sediments. On the other hand, petrogenetic terms, e.g. for magmatic or metamorphic rocks, are supplemented. The portrayal is based on BGR colours and hatchings (portrayal of different petrogenetic contents). Detailled information on the (petro)genesis is available via the GetFeature function.

LINK to petrogenesis table of AG Geologie (in German)

The GÜK250 is available as WMS and Shapefile in the BGR Geoportal. The GÜK250 is also accessible via the Geoviewer in the BGR Geoportal.

The INSPIRE compliant GÜK250 geodata are available as WMS and GML files in the BGR Geoportal. The INSPIRE compliant GÜK250 is also accessible via the Geoviewer in the BGR Geoportal.. According to the INSPIRE requirements the GML files are provided as download via an Atom Feed.


Dr. Marc Filip Wiechmann
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3346
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-2304

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