BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Technical Cooperation with Paraguay

The extensive cattle ranching leads to the extensive deforestation in Paraguay.The extensive cattle ranching leads to the extensive deforestation in Paraguay. Source: BGR

The BGR has been working in Paraguay in framework from bilateral technical cooperation (TC) on behalf of BMZ since the middle of the eighties.

The main points of this cooperation for many years were the consultation of institutions and ministries in fields like water, raw materials and environment. In the nineties, the projects were particularly in fields like the registration and the protection of potential natural sectors on the whole country. A current ongoing project takes into consideration the environmental conditions in an urbane planning, particularly with the designation of sites for dumps.

The partners from Paraguay side for many years were the appropriate ministries and their lower authorities in fields of hydrogeology, geology, and mining as well as agriculture and environment.

Paraguay is one of the partner countries in the German developing cooperation. Since 2000 this cooperation has following main areas: 

  • Modernization of the country
  • Protection of the environment and management of natural resources

A reduction of these activities has planned into only one promotion field.

Agriculture is the important economical base in Paraguay. Therefore, this country depends on the high degree of exploitation of its natural resources. Nowadays the deforestation, the water pollution as well as an inadequate waste disposal generate considerable environmental problems in Paraguay.

The BGR concentrates its efforts in the framework of developing cooperation in the fields of environment and resources protection to interfere against a disproportional exploitation of natural resources.  At the present time, the BGR rates the “Secretaría del ambiente” in field of the availability of basic geological environmental information for the regional planning. It specially aims the consolidation of decentralized structures.

BGR and Paraguay celebrated 20 years of geoscientific partnership

BGR and Paraguay celebrated the 20th anniversary of their technical co-operation. One hundred representatives of politics, administration, science and society were invited to the celebration event in Paraguay’s capital Asunción. The successful geoscientific co-operation was praised in speeches by the Paraguayan Environment Minister Oscar Rivas, the German ambassador Dietmar Blaas and BGR President Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Kümpel. read more

Completed Project:


Dr. Lothar Winkelmann
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2682
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3661

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