BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Events, related to PEBS

EventCommentDateResponsible Organisation Place/Venue
1st Regulatory WorkshopOnly open for int. Regulatory AuthoritiesApril 25th plus 26th, 2012Arranged by BGRInformation Center Mont Terri
Bentonite training course
and workshop
Registration requiredSeptember 9th and 10th 2013Arranged by BGRAt BGR office in Hannover,
Bentonite Excursion
Two productuion sites
plus extensive final discussion
Registration required September 11th and 12th, 2013Arranged by BGRTwo German Companies in Bavaria
2nd Regulatory WorkshopOnly open for int. Regulatory AuthoritiesDecember 4th 2013Arranged by NAGRA/BGRCongresshotel Uto Kulm, Zurich Switzerland
International Conference on the Performance of Engineered BarriersAbstract Sept'16, 2013
Latest Reg Dec'31, 2013
Feburary 6th and 7th, 2014Arranged by BGRBGR Hannover, Germany

Events, with general relation

Paper / Deadline
February 5th to 7th, 2013Gas generation and migration, International Symposium & Workshop


Abstract Sept'15, 2012
Latest Reg Dec'31, 2012
October 14th to 16th, 2013EURADWASTE '13, 8th EC Conference on the Management
of Radioactive Waste

Vilnius, Lithuania

1st Regulatory Workshop

PEBS Workshop for Regulatory Authorities, preliminary programme

The workshop will be arranged as a closed workshop open only to experts of European/global regulatory authorities and their partners/contractors. The objective of the workshop is to present the current status on how processes in the early evolution may affect the long-term performance of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) of a nuclear waste repository and how the activities within the PEBS project may reduce the uncertainties in the handling of these processes.

The programme will contain:

  1. Introduction to the PEBS project: objective, partners, activities and expected impact.
  2. Overview of the current treatment of the early evolution of the EBS in safety assessments in a number of European national programmes. This includes the safety assessment methodology, the use of safety functions, the identification of important processes, assessment of the early evolution and the identification of key uncertainties. A plan for how the scientific work performed within PEBS will be used to reduce uncertainties in future assessments will also be presented.
  3. The experimental work within PEBS. PEBS includes a large experimental programme at laboratory, mock-up and field scale. The work is focused on the H-M, THM and THMC couplings. This topic will consist of an overview of all experimental work within the project as well as two detailed presentations of specific experiments.
  4. Model application and development within PEBS. The objective of the modelling is to perform coupled HM, THM, and THMC analyses to provide a sound basis for the interpretation of the various tests within the experimental programme. This also includes the development of new or improved models as demanded by the calibration of computation results with the actual measured data, and use of the the data and improved models for extrapolation to long-term evolution of the repository. In the workshop an overview of the modelling will be given together with specific presentations on coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical modelling of the bentonite buffer and coupled thermal-hydraulic-chemical modelling taking into account (certain) mechanical effects.
  5. Questions and discussion

Programme of the Regulatory Authority Workshop:

Wednesday, April 25th 2012

1. 14:00 to 15:00 Registration
2. 15:00 to 17:30 Field Trip Mont Terri URL

Thursday, April 26th 2012

3. 08:30 Presentations and discussions

  • Welcome
  • General overview of the PEBS project, Michael Mente, BGR
  • Overview and current results of work package 1 (Analysis of system evolution during early post-closure period, Impact on long-term safety functions) and work package 4 (Analysis of impact on long term safety), Lawrence Johnsen, NAGRA or Patrick Sellin, SKB, Sweden
  • Overview of work package 2 (Experimentation on key EBS processes and parameters), Juan-Carlos Mayor, ENRESA
  • THM and THM-C laboratory experiments, Maria Victoria Villar, CIEMAT.
  • HE-E experiment (THM field experiments) Irina Gaus, NAGRA.
  • Overview of WP3 (Modelling of short-term effects and extrapolation to long-term evolution), Klaus Wieczorek, GRS
  • Coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical modelling of the bentonite buffer, Professor Antonio Gens, CIMNE, or Benoit Garitte, CIMNE.
  • Coupled thermal-hydraulic-chemical modelling taking into account (certain) mechanical effects, Professor Javier Samper, UDC.
  • 17:00 End of Workshop

The workshop venue is the Mont Terri Project Information Center, St. Ursanne, Switzerland, about 50 km south west of City of Basel, see also: and

BGR has pre-reserved 15 rooms at local hotels directly in St. Ursanne. Transfers from the Hotels to the URL will be arranged by PEBS. For more details please ask the coordinator Michael Mente ( or call +49-511-643-2246

Bentonite training course and workshop (PEBS Bentonite week)

PEBS is offering a special laboratory training workshop on bentonites for HRLW disposal, and a related field trip to bentonite deposits and producers.

Objectives of training course and excursion

The Bentonite week is aimed at early-stage re-searchers as well as experienced scientists working for universities, implementers and regulators entering this research area with e.g. a. geomechanics or mineralogic background.


Compacted bentonites are currently being investigated as a geotechnical barrier in high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) repositories due to their low permeability, high swelling pressure, and cation adsorption capacity. Bentonite properties vary significantly from one deposit to another and even between different locations of a given deposit. During the training course in the lab both cutting edge and recently implemented methods for bentonite characterisation are presented. The theoretical background as well as training in the lab will cover the current industrial, environmental and economical demands of globally operating organizations.

Of special importance for future installations of final repositories will be an optimal specification of the bentonite raw material for the technical application which should also cover economical aspects.
The desired and required bentonite properties are diverse. Information about the relation between bentonite properties and performance is required to define reasonable bentonite specifications. The ideal HLRW bentonite, capable of rendering all problems negligible, has, however, jet to be identified.

At the end of the training course, the field observations, and the bentonite processing in the clay industry, an open discussion should resolve the quetions of "what kind of quality parameters for bentonites are required?”

Programme Bentonite Week

  • Monday, September 9th 2013, Workshop
    Registration: 11:00 to 12:00
    Lunch: 12:00 to 12:30
    Presentation: 12:30 to 13:15 Bentonite Mineralogy
    Presentation: 13:15 to 14:00 Bentonites BGR
    Presentation: 14:30 to 15:45 CEC, LCD/IR/DTA
    Presentation: 16:15 to 17:00 Rietveld
    Presentation: 17:00 to 17:45 Quantification
    Discussion until 18:30
    End of Workshop 18:30
  • Tuesday, September 10th 2013, Laboratory Course

    Application: 08:30 to 09:15 XRD, Rietveld
    Application: 09:15 to 10:00 CEC/LCD
    Application: 10:30 to 12:00 IR/DTA – SEM
    Lunch 12:00 to 13:00
    Discussion 13:00 to 14:30 Discussion: Which kinds of quality parameters are conceivable?
    End of course 14:30
    Bus transfer to Bavaria 14:30 to 22:00
    Arrival Hotel in Wolnzach 22:00

  • Wednesday, September 11th 2013, Fieldtrip 1

    1st field trip 09:00 to 12:00 Open Bentonite mines, S&B Industrial Minerals, Hallertau
    Lunch and transfer 12:00 to 13:30
    Bentonite plant tour 13:30 to 16:00 S & B Industrial Minerals, Landshut
    Discussion 16:00 to 18:00 Discussion: What kinds of quality parameters are required?
    Dinner 18:00 Typical Bavarian Restaurant

  • Thursday, September 12th 2013, Fieldtrip 2
    Bentonite plant tour 09:00 to 11:00 Clariant (former Süd Chemie), Moosburg
    End of Bentonite week 11:00


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