BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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(abbreviations, in alphabetical order)


AITEMIN is a Spanish private, non-for-profit Technology Centre established in 1977, which develops both research projects and technology services to the industry in various fields: mainly in the extractive industries, construction and environmental sectors.

In the area of underground storage of radioactive waste, AITEMIN has developed a very intensive activity during the last years in cooperation with ENRESA and other European nuclear waste management agencies, having participated in a number of European research projects in this field. Relevant references are FEBEX and FEBEX II (EC projects) at the Grimsel URL in Switzerland; HE, EB and VE Experiments (EC projects) at Mont Terri URL in Switzerland; Prototype Repository, Backfill and Plug Test and Thermal Buffer Test at Äspö URL in Sweden; KEY and TED projects, being carried out for ANDRA at Bure URL in France; the SEALEX project, developed for IRSN at Tournemire URL in France; and finally the EC projects ESDRED, FUNMIG and MODERN. The role of AITEMIN in all these projects has been mainly focused to the development and installation of instrumentation and monitoring systems, heating systems, and engineering and construction aspects. AITEMIN has also carried out different innovative instrumentation and monitoring projects in the Spanish Low and Intermediate Waste storage site in El Cabril, managed by ENRESA.

Main areas of expertise are instrumentation and control systems, construction materials and technologies, industrial risks analysis, and environmental assessment and remediation.


ANDRA "Agence Nationale de gestion des Déchets RAdioactifs" is the French Radioactive Waste Management Agency. Created in 1979 within the CEA, it was established by the December 1991 Waste Act as a public body in charge of the long-term management of all radioactive waste, under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea (formerly the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Environment), and the Ministry of Research. Its 3 basic missions were extended and their funding secured through the 2006 Planning Act:

1.a R&D mission to propose safe long-term solution for radioactive waste without current disposal system; this mission includes long-term storage, since the 2006 Planning Act, in order to propose interim solutions while final ones are being studied, industrial mission concerning, on one hand, waste acceptance criteria and control and, on the other hand, siting, construction, operation, closure and monitoring of repositories. This mission includes as well a public service mission in terms of i) collection of waste of the "small-scale nuclear activities" producers or owners (including the so-called "household" radioactive waste, ie waste owned by private individuals) and ii) clean-up and rehabilitation of orphan polluted sites, information mission, notably through the regular publication of the National Inventory of radioactive materials and waste. This mission includes as well an active policy of dialogue with stakeholders both at national and local level (for instance through the activities of the various local information and oversight committees established for every INB or the underground research laboratory).

BGR (Coordinator of the Project, Leader Work Packages 5 and 6)

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) is the geoscientific Centre of Competence and the Geological Survey Organisation for the Federal Republic of Germany. BGR is a legal entity subordinated to the Ministry of Economy and Technology. BGRs thematic priorities are energy resources, mineral resources, groundwater, soil and the underground space for storage and economic use. BGR is mandated to maintain and to strengthen living conditions following a responsible and sustainable use of geo capabilities with research and advice. BGR is the official institution for the geoscientific survey for final repositories for radioactive waste in Germany. BGR follows political, economical and societal requirements. The professional spectrum and excellence will be strengthened by national and international networks. In a high-capacity combination with other European geological surveys BGR is used to advise also decision makers of European institutions. BGR has taken the national coordination of European initiatives and is implementing tasks on the base of international duties of the Federal Government. BGR is the national geoscientific data – and information centre.

BRIUG (Leader Work Package B)

The Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology (BRIUG) is a multi-disciplinary and well-equipped research institute. Founded in 1959, it is the only national uranium geoscientific center in China.

Uranium geology, nuclear waste disposal and remote sensing technology application are the 3 main research sectors in BRIUG. The capabilities of BRIUG also include chemical and isotope analysis, material analysis, environment impact assessment, geophysical and geochemical investigation, radioactivity investigation and instrument development for radioactive survey. There are 11 Divisions for research & development and 4 Companies for associated products. In addition, the National Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Information and Image Analysis Technology and the Analytical Laboratory for Uranium Geology in China are affiliated in BRIUG.

BRIUG is supported by China National Nuclear Corporation. It employs approximately 400 scientists, engineers, support staffs and students. It is authorized to confer master’s degree and doctor’s degree. It is also a work station for post doctoral scientists.BRIUG has established extensive scientific and technological exchanges and bilateral cooperative relations with more than 40 countries, regions as well as International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA).

Clay Technology

Clay Technology is a firm of consultants in soil and rock engineering. The main work comprises research, development and guidance of engineering systems in rock and soil.

We are specialized in clay based barriers for waste disposal and have been the main consultant of SKB (Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co) with regard to the design and behavior of clay-based engineering barriers and backfills in geological repositories for more than 20 years.

Clay Technology has the project manager role in several of the projects at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. Clay Technology has a geotechnical laboratory specialized in clay analyses both with physical properties and mineralogy. Numerous laboratory test projects regarding THM properties of bentonite have been carried through for example the LOT project at ÄSPÖ HRL, Sweden. Clay Technology also performs THM modeling in several projects.


The CIEMAT, a large Organism of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, is a Public Research Agency for excellence in energy and environment, as well as in many vanguard technologies and in various areas of fundamental research. The Engineered and Geological Barriers group is part of the Department of Environment of CIEMAT. The R+D work of the group is developed in the framework of international research projects on natural systems and underground laboratories, the European Commission framework programs on radioactive wastes and ENRESA’s R+D programs. The group takes part in projects carried out in the underground research laboratories of Grimsel, Äspö and Mont Terri. In the context of the 5th Framework Programme of the EC, the group participated in the projects FEBEX, RESEAL, BENIPA, PROTOTYPE and ACTAF, and in the NF-PRO and FUN-MIG Integrated Projects of the 6th Framework Programme. The group has more than fourteen years’ experience in performing thermo-hydro-mechanical and geochemical laboratory tests at different scales –from laboratory to large-scale mock-ups– with bentonite and other geological materials.


The Centre Internacional de Métodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE) is a non-profit research Institution active in several engineering fields involving numerical modelling. The CIMNE group has a long and broad experience in the performance of coupled numerical analysis in the context of radioactive waste disposal. It has carried out computations in relation to a large number of projects such as FEBEX, RESEAL, BAMBUS, HE, EB, PROTYPE, Backfill and Plug, GMT and NF-PRO. The group has recently completed the THERESA and TIMODAZ projects and it is currently involved in the LASGIT project. The CIMNE group has developed the computer code CODE_BRIGHT, one of the more advanced computational tools for the performance of coupled THM and THMC analyses involving saturated and unsaturated porous geomaterials. CODE_BRIGHT has successfully participated in a number of international benchmark exercises, such as EVEGAS, CATSIUS CLAY, CS2, and DECOVALEX.

DM Iberia (until and of 2010)

DM Iberia is an independent Spanish geotechnical consulting firm with more than 40 years of experience in the fields of the earth sciences. During its life, it has performed more than 1000 studies for Clients of the industrial, public works, mining, energy, environmental and waste management markets.

As previously done for the FEBEX project (underground laboratory of Grimsel) and the VE, HE, and EB experiments (Mont Terri), DM Iberia will participate as technical secretariat in the Work Package 2 of the PEBS project. Specifically, it will provide technical support to the task leader for the design and development of the foreseen experimental works. It will also review the related technical deliverables and collaborate in the coordination with the other work packages of the project.

ENRESA (Leader Work Package 2)

The National Company for Radioactive Waste Limited Company (ENRESA), is responsible of the radioactive waste management and the decommissioning of nuclear installations in Spain, since 1984. Their activities are regulated by the Government through Royal Decree 1349/2003 and Royal Decree Law 24/2005. These regulations establish the frame of functions for ENRESA which covers the following activities:

  • Site selection and the design, construction and operation of facilities for the storage and disposal of the radioactive wastes generated in Spain.
  • Establishment of systems for the collection, transfer and transport of radioactive wastes.
  • Management of operations arising from the decommissioning of nuclear and radioactive installations.
  • Conditioning of tailings arising from uranium mining and milling, when required.
  • Providing support to civil defense services in the event of nuclear emergencies.

Golder Spain (from January 2011)

Golder is a well-known consulting firm providing services worldwide in the earth and environmental sciences, with more than 160 offices and nearly 7,000 employees. Underground, mining and waste management works are a very relevant part of the Golder´s professional activities.

In Spain, the Madrid office (Golder Associates Global Ibérica  S.A.U.) was opened ten years ago. Since then, this office has been very active providing design and consulting services for the mining and waste management industries. Besides, in January 2011, all the former workers of DM Iberia, with experience in the FEBEX project (Grimsel) and the  VE, HE, and EB experiments (Mont Terri), were hired by Golder.

GRS (Leader Work Package 3)

GRS is active in the three fields of work of reactor safety, waste management and radiation and environmental protection. In each of these fields, GRS is recognised as a renowned research institution and an acknowledged technical safety organisation. GRS is financed through contracts. Main customers are the Federal Ministry for the environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (BMWA), the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), as well as the European Commission. Shareholders of the GRS are the Federal Republic of Germany, the federal states of Bavaria and of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Technical Inspection Organisations (TÜV) and the Germanischer Lloyd. Important European projects in which GRS has been involved in recent years are BAMBUS, BAMBUS II, NF-PRO, ESDRED, TIMODAZ, THERESA, FUNMIG, PAMINA.


NAGRA (Leader Work Package 4)

Nagra (the Swiss national cooperative for the disposal of radioactive waste) is responsible for the safe management of all types of radioactive waste arising in Switzerland. Since it was founded by the Swiss electricity utilities and the government in 1972, Nagra has developed into an internationally recognised know-how centre in the field of nuclear waste management. Nagra's activities span the areas of development of disposal concepts, regional studies, field investigations and site characterisation, performance assessment, design of deep geological repositories as well as design, construction and operation of underground research facilities. Through operation of the Grimsel test site (GTS) and participation in the Mont Terri test site (MTS), Nagra's scientists have been and are involved in the planning, implementation and interpretation of research, development & demonstration (R, D&D) programmes during the past 20 years addressing all major aspects of underground disposal of radioactive waste. Important European projects in which Nagra has participated or is still participating are: FEBEX, NF-PRO, ESDRED, TIMODAZ, FUNMIG, PAMINA, FORGE.


SKB (Leader Work Package 1)

SKB (the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company) is responsible for the management and disposal of Sweden's radioactive waste. SKB has funded and managed work on spent fuel characterization, dissolution of spent fuel, actinide chemistry relevant to disposal of spent fuel, corrosion of canister materials, and interaction with corrosion products.

SKB has managed research and development on the engineered barrier system for more than 30 years. This includes laboratory studies, development of conceptual and mathematical models, studies of natural systems as well as operation of field scale experiments in the Stripa and Äspö underground laboratories. SKB has also conducted a number of safety assessments over the years where results and data from R&D have been put in to practice.


Solexperts AG, a Swiss company, rests on a firm foundation with over 30 years experience of highly qualified personnel providing support in geotechnical and hydrogeological projects with proven measurement concepts, globally-recognised measuring systems and techniques, instrumentation, monitoring and field testing methods. The team consists of an inter-disciplinary group of specialist engineers and geologists in the fields of geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology and geodesy as well as IT specialists, electronics engineers and mechanics. In the office, in the workshop and on site the team is responsible for the development and production of measurement systems, executing complex measuring tasks and the implementation of new measuring techniques. Solexperts is collaborating with national and international organisations on the disposal of radioactive waste. These include NAGRA (Switzerland), ANDRA (France), BfS/BGR (Germany), ENRESA (Spain), SCK-CEN (Belgium) UKEA (Great Britain), KRMC (Korea) und CRIEPI/JAEA (Japan).

TK Consult

TK Consult, a Swiss Corporation situated in Zürich, and established in 1995, is a leader in the development and application of numerical models to support environmental and natural resource management issues in both surface and subsurface flow systems. Numerous modeling studies over the last 15 years include groundwater and vadose zone flow and transport, site characterization and performance assessment of waste isolation systems as well as the implementation of inverse modeling concepts for the interpretation of experimental data. The team consists of an inter-disciplinary group of specialist engineers and geologists in the fields of hydraulics, hydrogeology and numerical modeling.

In the PEBS project, TK Consult will be responsible for the representation of the experiments by numerical models in order to assist the experimental design and to perform numerical simulations for the prediction and subsequent interpretation of the experimental results


The Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) contribution in PEBS is being carried out by the Applied Clay Geochemistry (ACG) group, now in progress to be renamed as The Applied Clay, Concrete and Ceramic products Geochemistry (ACCCG). The group is located at the Department of Geology and Geochemistry and has extensive experience in the study of clay materials and concrete interactions. This research line has been developed in several stages as renewing lines of work and new participants have joined the group. The experience gained in the study of Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Clays in the 80s, allowed to start a research line in collaboration with ENRESA to explore the possibilities of Spanish bentonites as “backfilling and sealing materials in the isolation of highly radioactive waste”. During the 90s, the team studied the reactive properties of saponite in hydrothermal conditions. These materials are part of the saponitic bentonites from Madrid Basin, having proved their hydrothermal stability and good retention properties of pollutants. Thus, in the first half of 90s, several articles in international journals were published. In the second half of the 90 the group studied the impact of alkaline water from the leaching of cement on bentonites. From 1996 to 2003, the research team has participated in two UE projects with special dedication on cement-bentonite interactions: “Effects of Cement on Clay Barrier Performance", ECOCLAY, Phase-I and ECOCLAY, Phase-II. In parallel and in collaboration with the CIEMAT, the team investigated the properties of compacted bentonites studying geochemical processes and textural changes in compacted bentonite subjected to thermohydraulic gradients. From 2004, the research team participated as contractors for ENRESA in the UE integrated project NFpro (Near Field project), focused on the critical parameters in the near field of a waste disposal. The team was also involved (2004-2010), through agreements with the Spanish company GEOCISA and the Ministry of Environment on the “Study of the Dissemination of Pollutants in the materials that form barriers Urban Landfills and its evolution over time”. The research team have also participated in projects funded by the Spanish government (CICYT agency) focused to the transformation of industrial waste into products for the manufacture of cement and chemical or physical properties of ancient ceramics. Due to the above, the group has experience and knowledge in the natural environment and in the behaviour of artificial barriers.


The University of A Coruña is among the three universities in the Spanish autonomous region of Galicia (pop. 4 mill). Founded in 1989, it represents a young institution which in the course of its 20 years of existence has experimented a considerable increase, both in quantity and quality, with regard to research and teaching excellence. Our current student population is approx. 25.000, there are over 152 research groups, and apart from its faculties the university manages 5 Technological Research Centres, 6 University Institutes and a growing spin-off incubator. Our university is particularly renowned in the areas of Computer Sciences, Architecture, and Civil Engineering. Such progression in quality standards has been deeply influenced by the recruitment and support of outstanding young researchers through tenuretrack-positions and reintegration programs from the Spanish and Galician Governments, as well as from the European Commission.

Concomitantly with this development, the University of A Coruña has progressively increased its participation in research projects funded by the European Commission, gaining research excellence and attracting foreign scientists to develop their work in this environment. Our participation in European Programs such as Interreg, Framework Programs, ERC Starting and Advanced Grants, ESF, Life, etc. has increased modestly but steadily over the years, in spite of the intensified competition in a larger European context. Compared to 1993, our present rate of proposal presentation to the above calls for proposals has multiplied by nine.

Researchers find solid support in a network of internal services that are at their disposal: the Vice-Rectorate for Research (administrative management), Computational Services for Support in Research (software/hardware support), Services for Support to Research (chemical experiments), Research Transfer Office (spin-offs, patenting, management of European Projects), Press Center, etc.


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