BGR presents updated Groundwater Resources Map of Africa
During the 7th Africa Water Week in Libreville (Gabon), the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) presents a current map on the status of its groundwater mapping in Africa. The publication was developed as part of UNESCO's World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP). The map has also been introduced as a German contribution to the plenary session of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) initiative in Kyoto, Japan.
Map "Groundwater Resources of Africa"
This hydrogeological map of Africa on a scale of 1:12,500,000 provides an additional planning tool for groundwater resources in Africa and helps to manage groundwater resources sustainably in the long term. It contains hydrogeological sections of regional aquifers as well as regional and transboundary hydrogeological surface information on the composition of geological units and their respective groundwater yield. Proven standards for a globally consistent presentation of hydrogeological information are presented through the application of the International Standard Legend for Hydrogeological Maps (SLHyM) and a harmonization methodology developed on the basis of the International Hydrogeological Map of Europe (IHME1500). The information depicted in the map supports an integrated management of water resources at regional level and allows for further specific analysis, such as e.g. assessing the potential vulnerability of groundwater resources to pollution or to changes in groundwater recharge due to global change.
The 7th Africa Water Week, with this year's theme "Toward Achieving Water Security and Safety Managed Sanitation for Africa", is being convened by the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) in partnership with the African Union Commission and other international partners. The conference, taking place from 29 October to 2 November 2018, brings together over 1,000 international professionals from governments, institutions, the private sector, academia, and civil society.
Printed copies of the new hydrogeological map of Africa can be ordered via UNESCO or BGR. Digital versions of the map are available (see below).